Vitamin D, the best friend of calcium and they work together to have healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D like other nutrients has a very complex set of uses in our bodies and it also helps to protect against other diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
Vitamin D can be obtained by exposure to the sun, however cold and dark climates as well as the widespread use of sunscreens can contribute to deficiencies.
A vitamin D deficiency can cause mental problems such as depression and it can also cause cardiovascular diseases. it’s also important for children, in particular infants and toddlers to get enough of this vitamin for healthy growth. If food choices are not enough then vitamin D supplements are readily available in several options, from gummies to drops.
I was born in the Caribbean where everything I ate was organic - but I didn't even know it then. Then I realized foods cooked with minimally processed ingredients just tasted better, more wholesome. I spent years trying to make almost everything myself. I went to the extremes and then balanced out a bit. I now live in the US where life can be really busy at times. I am still very passionate about eating clean, but recognize that its not always possible. My articles emphasize this mind-set. I don't want to shame someone for eating processed foods, but my goal is to research and educate and then encourage living a healthier lifestyle when life allows it.