Are you tired of blowing hard earned cash away buying commercial sugar scrubs? It’s ridiculously easy and cheap to make homemade sugar scrub use real ingredients unlike the fillers used in commercial products. This unique and invigorating homemade sugar scrub combines aromatic spices and refreshing citrus notes. This recipe will not only exfoliate but also provide a delightful sensory experience.

DIY Spiced Citrus Sugar Scrub Recipe


  • 1 cup granulated sugar (Use brown sugar for a stronger exfoliation)
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted; for moisture and consistency)
  • Zest of 1 orange or a few drops of Orange Essential Oil (for a fresh, citrus scent and added color)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (for a warming scent and its antibacterial properties)
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg powder (for fragrance and its anti-inflammatory benefits)
  • 10 drops of vanilla essential oil (for a soothing aroma and calming properties)


  1. Prepare the Coconut Oil:
    • If your coconut oil is solid, gently melt it in a microwave or in a double boiler until it is just liquid. Allow it to cool slightly but not solidify.
  2. Mix Dry Ingredients:
    • In a medium-sized bowl, combine the granulated sugar, orange zest, cinnamon powder, and nutmeg powder. Mix them well to distribute the spices and zest evenly.
  3. Combine with Coconut Oil:
    • Pour the slightly cooled coconut oil over the sugar and spice mixture. Stir thoroughly to ensure all the dry ingredients are coated with oil.
  4. Add Essential Oil:
    • Add the vanilla essential oil to the mixture for a deeper, comforting aroma. Mix well to distribute the essential oil throughout.
  5. Store:
    • Transfer the scrub to an airtight container, such as a mason jar. This will keep the scrub fresh and prevent the coconut oil from picking up any other scents.
  6. Usage:
    • To use, gently rub a small amount of the scrub in circular motions on wet skin in the shower. Rinse with warm water. The sugar will exfoliate dead skin cells while the coconut oil moisturizes, leaving your skin soft and smelling delightful.
  7. Caution:
    • The oils can make the shower floor slippery, so take care after using the scrub.

This spiced citrus sugar scrub makes an excellent homemade gift or a luxurious addition to your self-care routine, offering both physical and aromatherapeutic benefits. As with all skin products you should test on a small part of your skin before using it all over. Enjoy your homemade creation!

How Long Does Homemade Sugar Scrubs Last?

Homemade sugar scrubs will last anywhere from 2 to 3 months when stored in an airtight container and away from moisture. The good thing about this scrub recipe is that it has no water based ingredients. But here are some factors that influence the shelf life and tips for maximizing longevity for this or any other DIY sugar scrubs.

  1. Ingredients Used: The ingredients you use in your scrub will affect the lifespan of your sugar scrub. Pure oil and sugar combinations last longer because they do not contain water, which can promote bacterial growth. If you add things like fresh fruit, yogurt, or honey, which contain water, can reduce the shelf life.
  2. Storage: Store the sugar scrub in an airtight container to prevent contamination and moisture from entering. Glass jars with tight-fitting lids are best for this.
  3. Temperature: Keep the scrub in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Heat can cause the oils to go rancid more quickly.
  4. Usage: Always use a clean, dry spoon or spatula to scoop out the scrub. This prevents water from your hands or the bathroom environment from getting into the product, which can introduce bacteria and mold.
  5. Preservatives: If you want to extend the shelf life even more you should consider adding a natural preservative like vitamin E oil, which can help prevent oxidation.

Check the scrub regularly for any signs of spoilage, such as an off smell, color change, or unusual texture. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to get rid of the scrub to avoid skin irritation.

What are Alternatives to Coconut Oil in Homemade Sugar Scrubs?

If you’re looking for alternatives to coconut oil for making homemade sugar scrubs, there are several other kinds of oils that are wonderful for skin care and can be used effectively. Here are some popular alternatives:

  1. Olive Oil: This oil is very rich in vitamins and antioxidants, olive oil is hydrating and can help repair skin damage. It’s thicker than coconut oil, which makes it great for a more moisturizing scrub.
  2. Almond Oil: This oil is lighter than olive oil and easily absorbed into the skin, making it a fantastic choice for nourishing and softening the skin without leaving a greasy residue.
  3. Jojoba Oil: Chemically similar to the skin’s natural oil (sebum), jojoba oil is moisturizing and suitable for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin.
  4. Grapeseed Oil: Known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, grapeseed oil is a good choice for oily or acne-prone skin. It’s lighter and thinner in consistency, offering a less greasy feel.
  5. Avocado Oil: High in fatty acids and vitamin E, avocado oil is exceptionally moisturizing and good for very dry or aging skin. It’s thicker and richer, providing a deeply nourishing experience.
  6. Sunflower Seed Oil: Light and non-comedogenic, this oil is suitable for sensitive skin and doesn’t clog pores, making it ideal for people who are prone to breakouts.
  7. Argan Oil: Often used in high-end beauty products, argan oil is packed with vitamin E and essential fatty acids, making it great for hair and skin care. It absorbs quickly and is highly moisturizing.
  8. Safflower Oil: Similar to sunflower oil, safflower oil is lightweight and suitable for sensitive skin. It is also high in linoleic acid, which can help balance sebum levels in the skin.

Each of these oils has unique properties that can be beneficial for the skin, and you can choose one based on your skin type, desired consistency of the scrub, and any specific skin needs you might have.

Can You Use Sugar Scrub for Face?

Yes, you can use a sugar scrub on your face, but it’s important to be cautious about the type of sugar and how vigorously you apply it. Facial skin is more delicate than the skin on the rest of your body, so you will need to be gentler with this approach. If you have particularly sensitive skin, it’s best to avoid it entirely.

  1. Choose Fine Sugar: Use fine-grained sugar, like fine grain white sugar, instead of coarse brown sugar, which can be too harsh for facial skin. Fine sugar provides a gentle exfoliation without causing micro-tears.
  2. Gentle Application: When applying a sugar scrub to your face, do so with light, circular motions. Avoid scrubbing vigorously as this can lead to irritation and damage to your skin.
  3. Limit Use: Depending on your skin type, using a sugar scrub on your face once a week or even less frequently might be enough. Over-exfoliating can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness or irritation. You might skip it together if you have sensitive skin or have an oily face.
  4. Moisturize Afterward: After rinsing off the scrub, wash with a gentle face wash and then it’s important to moisturize your face to soothe the skin and restore any moisture that the scrubbing might have removed.
  5. Patch Test: Before using any new scrub on your face, especially if you have sensitive skin, do a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure there is no adverse reaction.
  6. Avoid If You Have Active Breakouts: If you have acne or any open wounds on your face, it’s best to avoid using a scrub over these areas as it can irritate the skin further.

Using a sugar scrub can be a beneficial part of your skincare routine, helping to remove dead skin cells and promote a brighter, more even complexion. Just be sure to tailor the experience to the needs of your facial skin.

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Homemade Sugar Scrub